Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Fitmateo available for IOS devices?


    Fitmateo is currently available for Android devices only. Fitmateo app is under development for IOS devices and will be available soon.

  • How can I become a verified trainer on Fitmateo?

    • Download Fitmateo App
    • Create a new account
    • Find the Trainer Plan in the dashboard
    • Click the Subscribe button
    • Fill in your payment details
    • Your plan subscription will be automatically activated
  • How can I list my sports store on Fitmateo and list my products?

    • Download Fitmateo App
    • Create a new account
    • Find the Stores Plan in the dashboard
    • Click the Subscribe button
    • Fill in your payment details
    • Your plan subscription will be automatically activated
  • How can I list my club on Fitmateo?

    • Download Fitmateo App
    • Create a new account
    • Find the Clubs Plan in the dashboard
    • Click the Subscribe button
    • Fill in your payment details
    • Your plan subscription will be automatically activated
  • How can I change my account username?

    • Go to Profile
    • Click on Settings
    • Choose Secuity
    • Click on Username
    • Type in your new username then click Change Username button
  • How can I change my account password?

    • Go to Profile
    • Click on Settings
    • Choose Secuity
    • Click on Account Password
    • Type in your current account password
    • Type in your desired password twice to confirm it
    • Click on Change Password button
  • How can I delete my account on Fitmateo?

    • Go to Profile
    • Click on Settings
    • Choose Secuity
    • Click on Delete Account
    • Type confirm to confirm that you're willing to delete your account
    • Click on Delete My Account